A Business Cash Advance Can Help Increase Profits

In business it is imperative that you have a steady flow of cash coming in as it goes out. Therefore, at times when you desire to increase your output, it may require a greater amount of input of capital. At Lion Commercial Capital we understand that sometimes you may just need a little help and we are here to lend a hand. We offer merchant cash advance options up to $200,000 per business location. It is up to you to determine the best way to utilize these funds in order to keep your business running smoothly.

  • Inventory
  • Expansion
  • Marketing and advertisement
  • And more…

Strong Benefits

Some individuals prefer this advance option for financing over securing a small business loan. The application process is expedited and funds are usually dispersed to businesses within seven days. Business owners need not worry about any application fees or closing costs. There are no fixed monthly payments to manage because payments are made according to the credit card sales that the business receives. Together these factors help to simplify the payback process, as well as prevent the loss of equity.

Whether you need assistance maintaining your current operations or expanding your business to service more customers, a merchant cash advance could be right for you. To review your options and to secure the right business cash advance for your company, contact us today.