Financing Receivables to Grow Your Company’s Market Share

If your business’s ability to service customers and keep growing is currently bottlenecked by access to money you are owed for orders you’ve already completed, then accounts receivable financing provides an ideal way for your to get part of that money right away. That way, you can get your employees working again, buy supplies, or do anything else that a long receivables payment window was preventing.

How It Works

Lion Commercial Capital associates review your outstanding receivables and customer payment history to assess the size of your accounts and their likely repayment windows. This allows them to calculate a cash advance that reflects the state of your current accounts. Usually, financing receivables leads to an advance that is between 70 and 85 percent of the total account. Then our firm assumes responsibility for collecting payments. As they come in, the original advance and our service fees are deducted, and the rest is passed on to you. The faster your accounts pay, the less your advance costs in fees.

Benefits of Financing Your Receivables

  • Increase market share by improving cash flow and volume of business.
  • Service large or unexpected orders more quickly.
  • Outsource your receivables and focus on your core business.
  • Fast, flexible financing.

If you are ready to put your receivables to work to get better cash flow through your business, contact one of our associates today about accounts receivable financing for your business.